A healthy lifestyle blog by ACE Certified Group Exercise Trainer.

Goal Setting and Reflection

I am currently in week 3 of my Fall 8 Week Tabata Bootcamp for women. My participants are doing really, really well - majority are making it to classes and doing their at home workouts. So I thought what better time than now to make sure we all have specific goals in mind and that we are staying on track to meet those goals.

So for my Bootcamp Girls or anyone else who may be on the path towards a healthier fit self, I challenge you to complete the homework below:

(Visit Maria Kang's website for her "No Excuse Program" and more info on goal setting)
  1. Find a journal, notebook or something to write down some goals.
  2. Write 3 very specific goals. Nothing vague, like "I want to get fit." Goals should be SMART - Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reasonable, and include a Time frame. Examples: I want to fit into old jeans, I want to run a 5k, I want to lose 20 lbs or 10 inches. 
  3. Tape these goals to your mirror on your vanity or bathroom or tape somewhere in your closet where you will see it everyday.
  4. Set a date that you want to reach these goals. A birthday, a trip, upcoming event, etc. If you don't already have a special date in mind, you can create one. For example reward yourself with a boudoir photo shoot or a pamper day if you meet your goals. This date should be around 8-12 weeks from now.
  5. Write positive affirmations, quotes, photos, or create a moodboard (See my example below). Place these random places - screensaver on your phone/computer, your mirror, the fridge, your car, etc. Stay positive!
  6. Weigh yourself/measure every week or every other week. You won't know if you are on track to meet your goals unless you measure periodically.
  7. Make a habit of posting your thoughts/progress/inspiration on your favorite social networks - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. The more open you are about your fitness goals, and the more people who know about it, the more likely you are to hold yourself accountable. If you are the type of person who really prefers privacy, join my private Tabata Bootcamp Facebook group where the posts are only visible to other women in the program with similar goals.

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