A healthy lifestyle blog by ACE Certified Group Exercise Trainer.

Why Barre Workouts ROCK

Barre workouts are basically ballet-inspired toning routines (but don't be fooled, you won't be prancing in a tutu- these workouts are HARD).

These workouts are designed to give you a long, lean dancer-like physique (without having dance experience), and are becoming quite popular these days. While all barre workouts differ slightly in structure, most methods incorporate exercises done at a ballet barre (you can use the back of a chair at home) combined with elements of ballet, Pilates, and yoga.  Barre exercises rely mainly upon one's bodyweight for resistance, and the moves challenge your core stability and balance. The nice thing about these exercises is that it's a low-impact option to get a little cardio and sculpting all in the same hour.

I am excited to start teaching Barre classes with Brenda Curtright, owner of The Dance Center, here in Grants. Brenda teaches Monday and Wednesday nights from 6:30 - 7:30 pm and I will be teaching Tuesday and Thursday mornings from 9:30 - 10:30 am, beginning on Oct. 29. We also offer a Saturday morning class at 8-9 am.

For a Barre class, all you need is yourself in comfortable clothes, a pair of LIGHT handweights (think 2 - 5 lbs) and a yoga mat. Workouts are done without shoes. You may buy special barre socks, but they aren't required.

If you are interested in trying it out, let me know! Our first evening class has a wait list, but get your name on there soon to get in!

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